(I’ll save my ‘Why I love Pellaeon’ ramble for another post.) Thrawn is most certainly his own character who takes a very different approach to winning the war than any other Imperial we’ve seen before. It’s not a rehashing of the Emperor or Vader because the villains have their own motivations and characterizations. What I love about this book and the entire trilogy is that the story still clearly feels like Star Wars but still has its own tale to tell. I mean, I’m not saying that Zahn is god but the amount of canon he contributed is amazing. Introducing the best character ever, aka Winter? Zahn.

Bringing Wedge Antilles to the forefront? Zahn. Personalities for character who really only cameoed in the films but are integral parts of the EU? Zahn. There is so much about the universe that I just take for granted that I’m now realizing/remembering is all thanks to Zahn. One of the first things that occurred to me while I was reading this book is how much the Star Wars universe owes to Timothy Zahn. Honestly, is there anything more classic than Zahn’s trilogy when it comes to the Expanded Universe? If you’re here for the snark, you’ll have to wait a little bit longer because between these three books and another X-Wing novel? I have nothing but praise this go-round.