Unforgivably, it still has the same archaic interface that makes getting into a game or selecting a board that's actually useable the equivalent of pitting your wits against a grandmaster. This is the definitive PC version and the Chessmaster series has been around since Korda was in shorts, but with Al that was going to challenge all but the elite in the game in place years ago, the only new features in 9000 are cosmetic, and even these are few and far between. New game modes will be added in the near future.Martin Korda thinks that Medieval: Total War is the pinnacle of strategy games on the PC, but he seems to be forgetting the granddaddy, the ultimate strategy fest, and the game that takes minutes to learn and several hundred lifetimes to master - kids today, don't know they're born. The game is constantly added with new free sets of levels. To reenter and complete them in the most various ways. At this moment 50 fascinating levels which are possible to be reentered once more are available. It will be more difficult, but you will have all your saved coins and unused things which will help you. Or try to complete all levels once more, but now play black. There are no levels, aren't they? Never mind. Most likely there will be an item for solving your problem. You don't know how to complete the level, do you? Explore your inventory. Beat them, seize castles, descend into dungeons, kill monsters, and look for treasures.

You will have to conquer or destroy your black enemies to have the whole power in your safe keeping.

Run a game and you will be the White chess lord aspiring to the crown of the whole Chess world. If you dream for not only strict and habitual pieces to be able to roam about the chess earth. If a usual chessboard in your opinion is too small for real adventures.

If you consider chess a boring occupation. Full version - /store/apps/details? id=air. And all this in the pleasant atmosphere with good music. The unusual and interesting world of chess pieces consisting of logical levels with new, having no relations to classical chess, elements is waited for you.