A second commando rushes the room as you explore it even further, this time coming from the doorway of the FRONT HALLWAY. Clear the room and step further in, ready to take out the commando zombie that rushes at you from the right. There are a number of zombies inside, and they come at you from all sides (immediately from the left). RECORDS OFFICE and OFFICE HALLWAY Step into the RECORDS OFFICE with your chainsaw ready. Kill both, and continue to the FRONT HALLWAY. A commando zombie will charge towards you through the door ahead, and his death is followed by an imp that comes from behind a trick wall to the right. As you step back out to the main lobby, two imps spawn before you can reach the elevator and take it up to the upper level of the main lobby.

First step into the BATHROOM through the left doorway, kill the zombie inside, and grab the armor and shells inside. At the far end of the room are two doorways (one is an elevator). When control is returned to you, shoot down the two imps that spawn at the other end of the foyer, and watch out for the zombie and commando zombie that follow the imps' deaths. The moment you step in the room, you'll be subjected to a freaky scene of red.

Down the left hallway, two more imps come for you as you make your way to the MAIN LOBBY. ELEVATOR LOBBY and MAIN LOBBY Step into the ELEVATOR LOBBY and an imp spawns to your left.